I've been obsessed with television and movies my whole life. A preoccupation that was somewhat undercut by my parents' decision not to own a TV as I was growing up.
My parents basically did everything you can do to keep someone from entering the media profession, and yet, I ended up here anyway.
When I took my first film class in college, I knew within the first two weeks that this was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I devoted the rest of my time at school working to making that happen.
The collections below are a scattering of some of the sorts of things I've worked on as professional video producer over the past decade or so. When I was working solely as a video producer, I created about 130 videos a year, so these videos come from all over the place.
But when I was picking what I wanted to show on this site, I picked the videos that made me the happiest to watch over and over again. I hope a few of them feel the same to you.