
This was the biggest Good Friday event we ever did. The moment our Maundy Thursday service finished, we started setting up this stage, staying up all night to transform our staid Traditional sanctuary into a massive modern worship space.

If you want, you can check out every song from the evening right here. Otherwise, here's the closing song from the set, featuring Shelby and Zach Hendricks on vocals with David Dunn. 



"Wesley Prayer (Come Like A Fire)"

After a year of dedicated writing of new worship songs, Mark and his band held an evening for the community to gather and sing those together in one huge night of worship. You can get the whole album we recorded that night right here if you like. Here’s the opener from the set. 




Recording live worship in the midst of Covid was a difficult endeavor. After a few months of band members recording their parts in their bedrooms and sending in phone videos for me to cut together, we had made enough adjustments to allow our band to worship together. We rewired our building to let the musicians play in some retrofitted storage rooms backstage, with a series of robotic cameras we could control from the production room filming them, then isolated our vocalists by themselves in the middle of the sanctuary stage. It was a lot of work, but we were incredibly proud of what we were able to accomplish during a time that even the simplest productions could be formidable undertakings.

This comes from that first Covid Christmas, where we tried to make something really special. Things had become a little easier, and we could move the band into a single large room in the back, and scatter a couple manned cameras into the production.

Every song from that Christmas is available here, but this one was my favorite: Susan absolutely tearing into “O Holy Night.”



"Winter Snow"

Only a senior in high school at the time, Gabbi Sorensen was an accomplished ballerina, and she choreographed a remarkable and expressive dance for our Christmas Eve services. During rehearsal, I tried to choreograph camerawork that matched her delicate movements.

This is the live broadcast from the first of those services.



"I'll Be Damned"

Caleb was premiering his newest song, which he’d based on his tumultuous relationship with his father, at a local show. He asked me to come and film the performance to document the moment. It was clearly a huge step for him to play this particular song in that particular moment, and you can see it in the performance.